Clubhouses (Psychosocial Rehabilitation Centers)
A Clubhouse is a place where people who have had mental illness come to rebuild their lives. The participants are called members, not patients, and the focus is on their strengths, not their illness. Work in the clubhouse, whether it is clerical, reception, janitorial, data input, meal preparation or reaching out to their fellow members, provides the core healing process. Every opportunity provided is the result of the efforts of the members and small staff, who work side by side, in a unique partnership.
Members, with staff assistance, participate in the day-to-day decision-making and governance of the program and plan community projects and social activities to engage members in the community. Through the activities of the work-ordered day, clubhouse decision-making opportunities, and social activities, individual members achieve or regain the confidence and skills necessary to lead vocationally productive and socially satisfying lives.
One of the most important steps members take toward greater independence is transitional employment, where they work in the community at real jobs. Members also receive help in securing housing, advancing their education, obtaining good psychiatric and medical care, and maintaining government benefits. Membership is for life so members have all the time they need to secure their new life in the community.