Recovery stories across the nation
In addition to the stories on this Virtual Recovery Center collected…
Candidate Forums Focused on Important Issues
Affordable housing, employment, health care, and public transportation…
Art of Recovery: The Human Journey Show
We are pleased to announce that the 2nd annual ART OF RECOVERY:…
New national recovery blog!
The National Mental Health Awareness Campaign has launched a…
Recovery Learning Community Sept 08 Materials Here!
The September 2008 Learning Communities agenda was all about…
WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) groups starting in each office
Congratulations to Susan (Traverse City), Todd (Cadillac), Nan…
NLCMH Staff are Great!
Late last week I sat in on a meeting with about a dozen or so…
Managing Your Energy
The article below was excerpted from the book, The Essence of…
Recovery Council July and August materials here
July minutes and agenda and August agenda are here. The Recovery…
Holistic Wellness: What is your ‘real age’?
Recently, a nurse at Northern Lakes told me about a Web site…
Change is Good…You Go First!
The article below is excerpted from the book Change is Good...You…
Recovery Council May and June materials here
Minutes from May and June Recovery Council meetings highlight…