Carol: My Story
As a young child and teenager I had everything I could ask for…
Loretta: My Story
On a day in May
I was born with hazel eyes and a button nose
Christine: My Story
I always knew there was something wrong with my family. We all…
Art of Recovery: The Human Journey Show
I have never seen such enthusiasm my whole life as I did while…
Recovery Council 2009 Calendar
Click for the 2009 calendar of NLCMHA Recovery Council meetings…
Recovery Learning Communities 2009 Calendar
Click for the 2009 calendar of Recovery Learning Community meetings…
Recovery Learning Community November 08 Materials Here!
In November, the Learning Community agenda focused on ways to…
Recovery Learning Community October 08 Materials Here!
In October, attendees of the Learning Communities had the opportunity…
Recovery Council September and October materials here
The September and October meetings of the Recovery Council focused…
Apparel, by Carol A. Serylo
As we unwrap the apparel of self
And begin to look outside ourselves
Patient Voices: Bipolar Disorder
What is it like to have bipolar disorder? To be labeled "crazy"?…
Highlights of Transformation Accomplishments
In the last quarter Northern Lakes continued moving forward on…