Recovery Council materials here – February to June 2009
The Recovery Council meets monthly to help move the Northern…
Recovery Learning Community Materials Here: January to June 2009
Here are Learning Community agendas from January, February, April,…
Value of Consumer Involvement: Volunteers are Priceless! by Diane L. Boulais
There are many reasons that people volunteer. Some people want…
Doll-Making Dream
Chances are that you might wake up with a mental illness tomorrow;…
Boston University Uses Photovoice in Promoting Social Inclusion
"Beyond the Shadows of Stigma" highlights works from a gallery…
Health Information in Multiple Languages Available from National Library of Medicine
Did you know that MedlinePlus has a multilingual feature, providing…
Online Clubhouse for Wellness:
We all strive to live a full, healthy and happy life. For individuals…
National Poetry Month – My Dreams, by Christine Kelly
My Dreams, by Christine Kelly
As my dreams appear,
I assess
National Poetry Week – Inner Self, by Christine Kelly
Thank you, Christine, for this submission in celebration of National…
National Poetry Month – My Life, by Christine Kelly
Another poem for your enjoyment, in celebration of National Poetry…
National Poetry Month – A Dream by Vida Archer
April is National Poetry Month, and in celebration, we are sharing…
Inaugural Recovery Newsletter Published!
Welcome to the first issue of Northern Lakes CMH Recovery Newsletter!