Mental Health Mini-Grants Available – Apply by November 1, 2011
Northern Lakes CMH is pleased to announce a second round of Mental…
NAMI Launches ADHD Online Resource Center
NAMI has launched an interactive, online resource center to support…
Walk A Mile In My Shoes!
About 2000 people gathered at the Capitol Steps in Lansing on…
Next Action Group Meeting May 13
So what is an action group meeting and why would I want to attend? …
State Mental Health Cuts: A National Crisis
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has released a…
8 Mini-Grants Awarded!
Northern Lakes Community Mental Health (NLCMH) offered mini-grants…
Disability Network/Northern Michigan Conducting Survey
Disability Network/Northern Michigan is conducting a community…
Mental Health Mini-Grants Announced!
Northern Lakes CMH is using part of its Michigan Department of…
2010 Look Closer Postcards: See Me For Who I Am
These postcards were submitted to our 2nd annual project called…
Motivational Speaker Johnnie Tuitel Kicked Off Flight as “Too Disabled”
Those who attended our 2004 Northwest CMH Affiliation Conference…
Our 3rd Annual Recovery Celebration last week was a resounding success!
A highlight of the day was a very moving, practical, upbeat,…
Today Marks 20th Anniversary of ADA
July 26, 2010 marks the 20th Anniversary of the Americans with…