Healthy Michigan Creates Funding Gap
Northern Lakes was on the news regarding funding cuts.
Excellence In Mental Health Act is Now Law
President Barack Obama on Tuesday signed into law H.R. 4302,…
Our Journey February Issue here
February is the month of love and Valentine’s... also Wear…
Applying for Healthcare Coverage in Michigan
There is a new application for applying for healthcare coverage…
Making the next generation tobacco-free
Over the last 50 years, more than 20 million Americans have died…
New website launched
The government has launched a new website,…
MPAS Essay Contest Renamed to Honor Ernie Reynolds!
Good News! Rules issued to require equal coverage for mental illness
Finally, after three decades of work and five years since the…
7th Annual Art of Recovery Show: Fantastic!
We sure appreciate seeing so many friends at the opening reception…
Art of Recovery Opening Reception Today!
Today we unveil over 100 pieces of art from people from all walks…
International Clubhouse Conference
More Michigan clubhouses were in attendance (49) than any other…
Happy Anniversary, CMH!
Today is the 50th Anniversary of President Kennedy's signing…