Is what you’re feeling just the ‘holiday blues’ or something more serious?
While the holidays are supposed to be a time filled with ‘comfort…
Art of Recovery Opening Reception Today!
Today we unveil over 100 pieces of art from people from all walks…
Happy Halloween!
The shark is Dr. Fellows!
Our Journey Newsletter – March 2013 issue
We hope you enjoy the March issue of Our Journey newsletter.…
Feeling Froggy!
So the holidays are finally over and we can all take a deep breath…
Slowly resolving for a better course of life
Another year has flown by and many of us have already started…
Burn it Bright for All to See!
It’s that time of year when many people have financial struggles…
Taking An Active Role in Self-Management
by Mary Beth Evans, CPSS, Northern Lakes CMH Recovery Coordinator
Coloring Outside of the Lines
Albert Einstein once said: “Live life to the fullest. You…
Tomorrow is a New Day
Not that long ago I was reading a book about healthy lifestyles.…
Lists Can Help Ease Everyday Stress
A very dear friend of mine is into creating lists to help her…
Coping Skills for the Holiday Blues
It’s at this time of year that we think about the things we…