Expect Recovery: Fall 2011 Newsletter Here!

The new  Expect Recovery: Make It Happen Newsletter, Vol 3 Issue…

Help SAMHSA Define Recovery

Over the past year, SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health…

Mental Health Mini-Grants Available – Apply by November 1, 2011

Northern Lakes CMH is pleased to announce a second round of Mental…

Peer support can help deal with trauma

I went to a training a few weeks ago on trauma to learn more…

DBSA Video Contest Deadline Sept 5, 2011

Inspire Others: Share Your Recovery Story Each one of us has…

Swimming Up Stream, by Leslie

Am I In Recovery? I dove into life off the starting block, gliding…

Walk A Mile In My Shoes!

About 2000 people gathered at the Capitol Steps in Lansing on…

NLCMH has display in Cadillac Art Walk

Northern Lakes CMH is pleased to be participating in the 2011…

Next Action Group Meeting May 13

So what is an action group meeting and why would I want to attend? …

State Mental Health Cuts: A National Crisis

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has released a…

Disability Network/Northern Michigan Conducting Survey

Disability Network/Northern Michigan is conducting a community…

Mental Health Mini-Grants Announced!

Northern Lakes CMH is using part of its Michigan Department of…