Value of Consumer Involvement: Volunteers are Priceless! by Diane L. Boulais

There are many reasons that people volunteer.  Some people want…

Local Edition: “Process Painting” in Cadillac, video story by Vic McCarty

Creating art — without praise or criticism. That’s exactly what happens at a series of classes that take place at Northern Lakes Community Mental Health. Vic McCarty visited one of the classes, and brings us the story.

Doll-Making Dream

Chances are that you might wake up with a mental illness tomorrow;…

Boston University Uses Photovoice in Promoting Social Inclusion

"Beyond the Shadows of Stigma" highlights works from a gallery…

Crawford County Avalanche: “Fun Nights are a community effort to provide recreation for the disabled.”

From the moment the night begins, the chatter starts. People are animated and the energy level is high. People are greeting each other, catching up on news, sharing summer plans, complimenting each other on their hair ribbons and pretty jewelry, one person's newly shaved moustache, another person's nice new shirt.

Cadillac News:”Breaking age barriers,” By Mardi Suhs

Don’t judge a book by what it looks like during high school. Marcia Wieringa admits she "went to high school for fun."