Public can try schizophrenia hallucination simulator

Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness that affects 2.4 million…

Our Journey May newsletter here

Today begins Mental Health Month! To start the month off right,…

Healthy Michigan Creates Funding Gap

Northern Lakes was on the news regarding funding cuts. Northern…

NLCMH hosts statewide traveling art show Creative Minds Changing Minds

Full Story here: http://www.upnorthlive.coms/story.aspx?id=1027760#.U0FDPcfc3uU TADL…

Excellence In Mental Health Act is Now Law

President Barack Obama on Tuesday signed into law H.R. 4302,…

Creative Minds Changing Minds: An Exhibit

To recognize the theme of mental illness and care presented in…

Local mental health programs face cuts April…