Smoking is much more common in adults with mental illness than other adults
Nationally, nearly 1 in 5 adults (or 45.7 million adults) have some form of mental illness, and 36% of these people smoke cigarettes. In comparison, 21% of adults without mental illness smoke cigarettes.
A report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows troubling statistics:
- 31% of all cigarettes are smoked by adults with mental illness.
- 40% of men and 34% of women with mental illness smoke.
- 48% of people with mental illness who live below the poverty level smoke, compared with 33% of those with mental illness who live above the poverty level.
Adults with mental illness who smoke want to and are able to quit.
- Like other smokers, smokers with mental illness are interested in quitting, are able to quit, and have a better chance of quitting successfully when they have access to proven stop-smoking treatments.
- With careful monitoring, quitting smoking does not interfere with treatments for mental illness and can be part of the treatment.
- People with mental illness face challenges in quitting smoking and may benefit from extra help to succeed in quitting. This can include more counseling as well as longer use or a combination of stop-smoking medicines.
Smokers who quit have immediate health benefits.
- Risk for a heart attack drops sharply just 1 year after quitting.
- After 2 to 5 years, the chance of stroke can fall to about the same as a nonsmoker’s.
- Within 5 years of quitting, the chance of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, and bladder is cut in half.
- Ten years after quitting smoking, the risk for dying from lung cancer drops by half.
Support to Quit
For free quit support, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669). This number routes callers to their state quit lines, which provide free support and advice from experienced counselors, a personalized quit plan, self-help materials, the latest information about quitting medications, and more. Specific services vary from state to state. Quitting services and resources are also available online in English, and in Spanish
. These Web sites provide free, evidence-based information and professional assistance to help support the immediate and long-term needs of people trying to quit tobacco use.
Source: National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2009-2011, Adults ages 18 or older
**Source: National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2009-2011, Adults ages 25 or older