National Depression Screening Day

Today is National Depression Screening Day, October 6, 2011. In 1995 I was at our primary care doctor for my son’s well child check up. I hadn’t been well and we (myself, my family and many friends) didn’t know what was wrong and I hadn’t gone to a doctor yet as I didn’t know what to tell him either.

While I was waiting to pay I noticed a poster on the wall and it listed the signs and symptoms of depression. I was amazed that I had almost all of the the symptoms listed. I made an appointment for myself as I completed my other business for my son.
I wasn’t educated enough about depression and didn’t remember enough about it from my psychology class. Could you be depressed and not realize it? Here is a link to an online screening, maybe it can help you or a friend or family member. Maybe it is time to talk to your doctor, it doesn’t hurt to check it out. Depression is treatable, be good to yourself, if you need help or think you do, then get it. People are there who care and want to help.

Leslie Sladek