Myra: My Mental Health Issues
My mental health issues stem more from childhood abuse than genetics so it is very hard for me to trust anybody or to believe what I am told. I also suffer from a very severe case of ADHD. It has taken me several years and multiple attempts to get the right combination of medication to get this under control.
I was diagnosed with a mental illness at the age of 9 when my mother put me in a home for wayward kids even though I had mental illness. I moved out of my mother’s home at the age of 17. I was homeless for two years from age 17 – 19. My grandmother found me and took me in to live with her. After she died I was in and out of trouble constantly. I had four children and three miscarriages. All four children were taken away by the court system.
In 1997 I started going to Northern Lakes CMH and in 1998 I started attending Club Cadillac. In 2000 I stopped going to Club. I lost my home, my possessions, and my relationship with my kids and was in deep suicidal depression for a year. I finally got into foster care.
I now have had contact with three of my children. I would like to find my firstborn son. I am proud of my oldest daughter. She was in the Navy for 10 years and is now a lifetime reserve. She is helping me try to locate my son.
I started going to Club every day and made new friendships. I have gone to two Clubhouse conferences in the last year. I was in the Pearl Street Home for over one year. I was very withdrawn at first. But the staff there helped draw me out. They encouraged me to join in activities within the home. I started to help with shopping; making meals and assisting other consumers in the home to learn about local resources like the food pantries, etc.
I finally got into the Supported Housing program and got my new apartment. I love my apartment and have a new neighbor who supports me. My goal is to become a Peer Specialist. I feel I have a lot to offer, since I’m dealing with my own physical, emotional and mental health issues.